τοῦτ' That toot ἔστιν is, A-steen οὐ not oo τὰ They ta τέκνα which TAY-kna τῆς are tase σαρκὸς the sahr-KOSE ταῦτα children TAF-ta τέκνα the TAY-kna τοῦ flesh, too θεοῦ of thay-OO ἀλλὰ these al-LA τὰ children ta τέκνα the TAY-kna τῆς tase ἐπαγγελίας of ape-ang-gay-LEE-as λογίζεται God: loh-GEE-zay-tay εἰς but ees σπέρμα the SPARE-ma