εἰ For ee γὰρ gahr τῷ one toh τοῦ man's too ἑνὸς by ane-OSE παραπτώματι offence pa-ra-PTOH-ma-tee ὁ oh θάνατος death THA-na-tose ἐβασίλευσεν reigned ay-va-SEE-layf-sane διὰ by thee-AH τοῦ too ἑνός one; ane-OSE πολλῷ much pole-LOH μᾶλλον more MAHL-lone οἱ oo τὴν tane περισσείαν abundance pay-rees-SEE-an τῆς of tase χάριτος HA-ree-tose καὶ grace kay τῆς and tase δωρεᾶς the thoh-ray-AS τῆς gift tase δικαιοσύνης of thee-kay-oh-SYOO-nase λαμβάνοντες lahm-VA-none-tase ἐν righteousness ane ζωῇ shall zoh-A βασιλεύσουσιν of va-see-LAYF-soo-seen διὰ receive thee-AH τοῦ they too ἑνὸς which ane-OSE Ἰησοῦ in ee-ay-SOO Χριστοῦ life hree-STOO