τὸ the toh αὐτὸ same af-TOH εἰς toward ees ἀλλήλους another. al-LAY-loos φρονοῦντες one froh-NOON-tase μὴ mind may τὰ of ta ὑψηλὰ not yoo-psay-LA φρονοῦντες froh-NOON-tase ἀλλὰ high al-LA τοῖς things, toos ταπεινοῖς Mind ta-pee-NOOS συναπαγόμενοι but syoon-ah-pa-GOH-may-noo μὴ may γίνεσθε estate. GEE-nay-sthay φρόνιμοι to FROH-nee-moo παρ' men pahr ἑαυτοῖς of ay-af-TOOS