οὗ Whose oo τὸ toh πτύον fan PTYOO-one ἐν in ane τῇ tay χειρὶ hand, hee-REE αὐτοῦ his af-TOO καὶ and kay διακαθᾶριεῖ purge thee-ah-ka-THA-ree-EE τὴν throughly tane ἅλωνα will A-loh-na αὐτοῦ he af-TOO καὶ kay συναξεῖ floor, syoon-ah-KSEE τὸν his tone σῖτον and SEE-tone εἰς gather ees τὴν will tane ἀποθήκην the ah-poh-THAY-kane αὐτοῦ wheat af-TOO τὸ into toh δὲ thay ἄχυρον garner; AH-hyoo-rone κατακαύσει his ka-ta-KAF-see πυρὶ the pyoo-REE ἀσβέστῳ but as-VAY-stoh